Saturday, July 25, 2009
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
The Role of Minerals in our body………
Overview: Minerals are the elements that comprise the entire Universe, this Earth and everything in it, including YOU & Me.
Our body is a Masterpiece, formed from these elements. As such, it is important to constantly replenish our body with the elements it uses on a daily basis. Chemical and electrical processes are occurring within our body at every moment. Processes can only function correctly if the proper balance of minerals is continually being supplied to our system. Iron for our blood, Sulphur for our muscles, Calcium for our bones and aggregation of many other elements in balanced trace amounts to ensure the proper function of our body.
Minerals are essential for good health. The body utilizes over 80 minerals for maximum function, and because our plants and soils are so nutrient depleted, even if we eat the healthiest foods, we are getting all the minerals we need. Evidence of mineral malnutrition are various minor and serious health conditions such as energy loss, premature ageing, diminished senses, and degeneration diseases like osteoporosis, heart disease, and cancer. In many cases, these could be prevented with proper mineral supplementation.
Every living cell depends on minerals for proper structure and function. Minerals are needed for the formation of blood and bones, the proper composition of body fluids, healthy nerve function, and proper operation of the cardiovascular system, among others. Like vitamins, minerals function as co enzymes, enabling the body to perform its functions including energy production, growth and healing. Minerals, being involved in all enzyme activities, they are essential for the proper utilization of vitamins and other nutrients. Nutritionally, minerals are grouped into two categories: bulk or essential minerals, also called as macro minerals, and trace minerals or micro minerals. Macro minerals such as Calcium and Magnesium are needed by the body in larger amounts. Although only minute quantities of trace minerals are needed, they are nevertheless important for good health. Micro minerals include Boron, Chromium, Iron, Zinc and many others.
As important as vitamins are, they can do nothing for us without minerals. Vitamins cannot be assimilated without the aid of minerals. And though the body can manufacture a few vitamins, it cannot manufacture a single mineral. All tissues and internal fluids of our body contain varying quantities of minerals. Minerals are constituents of the bones, teeth, soft tissue, muscle, blood and nerve cells. They are vital to overall mental and physical well being.
Of all the elements found in nature, four of them are Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen make up 96% of our body weight. Minerals make up the remaining 4%, but lack of just one of them makes life miserable and impossible.
Mineral Imbalance: Our body requires nearly two thirds of all elements known to man in order to maintain health. Keeping these minerals in balance is a complex, yet incredibly vital task. The events of everyday living demand a continual ingestion of minerals. With 92 known elements and hundreds of isotopic variations, it’s no wonder that scientists are now only beginning to discover the complex effects and inter-relationships of minerals in our systems, how minerals maintain a healthy balance and what adverse effects are created by a mineral imbalance.
Experts estimate that 90% of us suffer from mineral imbalance and deficiency to some degree. It can be even you and me because of frequent exercise, stress or diet of overly refined, nutrient poor food, our body will make futile attempts to correct the situation, usually resulting in food cravings, muscle cramps and general fatigue.
All of the 75 Trace Minerals are in natural food for best immunity and health. New science shows that all the trace minerals must be in food to avoid immune weakness and illness. Our modern food is lethally deficient in trace minerals. Human life needs all the minerals to maintain healthy bodily functions. Real natural food grown under natural conditions carries 75 trace minerals. Our modern altered food growing methodology offers no food of such all trace minerals quality anymore. On the contrary, our modern food is highly deficient in trace minerals and causes contemporary catastrophic health decline. Man interfered with the evolution of natural food and that influences his own evolution. Our planting fields are unable to offer a food chain of all trace mineral quality. Sick soil, sick plants, leads us to sick generation.
Any upset of the all trace mineral balance, any deficiency of one or another element, the body require, causes immune weakness, illnesses, suffering and a shorter life. Aids and cancer are two classic examples of our modern natural food problem and trace minerals hunger. Aids and cancer are unseeded but typical degeneration syndromes, illnesses that are widely experienced today. In the present days' demand it has become impossible to plant natural food that can suit our life process and to grow food containing trace minerals.
We get our minerals in organic form from the plants and animals we eat and plants get them in metallic form from the soil, so our mineral intake is dependent on the mineral content of the soil. Over the years there has been a gradual depletion of minerals in the soil due to over farming.
Where has all the Minerals Gone? Many of the Trace elements once abundant in our soil have been washed into the oceans. There, they are found in proper proportions as same proportions as that are found in healthy bodies. Even today, these life sustaining sea waters cannot be recreated by science; all elements necessary to support human life are ionic charged and in perfect balance being absorbed into the cells of our body.
In a few surviving inland seas, as the Great Salt Lake in Western North America, these essential elements exist in highly concentrated, salubrious proportions. The fact that the minerals are in a similar proportion to healthy living matter is a key and this intricate balance of every mineral and trace element in seawater is why it is so beneficial to the human body.
What are Ionic Charged Minerals? An ionic mineral is an element that has a charge, either positive or negative. In molecular level, it means that the element has either one too many or one too few electrons. The unstable ionic state allows the element to bond readily with water, making it possible for the body to absorb it. In this state, an element has positive or negative electrical signs that cause a dynamic equilibrium to take place: The body can than facilitate changes to move nutrients to the areas that need them.
The Importance of Ionic Minerals: Every second of every day, our body relies on Ionic Minerals and Trace Minerals to generate and conduct billions of tiny electrical impulses. Without these impulses, not a single muscle, including our heart, would be able to function. Our brain would not function and the cells would not be able to use osmosis to balance our water pressure and absorb nutrients. To ensure, we get the ionic charged electrolytes our body needs, we should choose only ionic mineral supplements.
The Key Role of Absorption: We cannot benefit from minerals unless we can absorb them. The absorption of minerals takes place primarily in the small intestine. As food passes through, minerals transfer into the bloodstream through the walls of the intestine. This can only happen if the minerals are ionic charged. Although stomach acid helps to ionize the minerals in the foods, a mineral supplement which is ionized naturally would be a best choice for full absorption.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Friday, May 1, 2009
The Most Powerful, Natural, Ionic, Health Giving Mineral Supplement in the World!
CMD Natural Concentrated Mineral Drops
The most Powerful, Natural, Health Giving Trace Minerals in the World
An innovative Health Drink after Dr. W.H. Schuzlers' (1873) 12 Bio Chemical Salts.
But CMD contains 72 minerals and trace minerals and ionic.
You can feel the difference within few days.
Five Secrets You Need To Know!
It is a well-known fact that in the world of veterinary medicine through proper nutrition almost all disease can be prevented. A well-known veterinarian explains that when a group of animals become diseased farmers and veterinarians work together to find the cause, eliminate it and prevent it from happening again. He tells the story of turkey farmers that were given a new feed pellet to test its progress. In six months fully half the turkey population had died. After autopsies it was discovered that the turkeys were all dying of aortic aneurisms. Instead of trying to develop drugs (like blood thinners) that would treat the symptoms they decided that the arteries were weak and needed to be strengthened. Knowing that copper is necessary for strong veins and arteries they concluded that by adding a nickels worth of copper to the feed pellets they should prevent any future aneurisms. The next year not a single turkey died from aortic aneurisms.
Because it is so much more lucrative the pharmaceutical industry spends billions learning how to treat the symptoms instead of looking for ways to prevent disease. You must understand that preventing disease stops the flow of money that they are so dependent upon. Eliminate the demand and the supply will also be eliminated. They will not spend a dime on anything that has promise of curing or preventing disease. But remember, the veterinary industry has been able to prevent and cure every disease by simply covering all the bases of sufficient and proper nutrition. Just like the turkeys, if we want to life a long healthy life we must be willing cover all the bases. You must supply your body with all the vitamins, minerals, amino acids, essential fatty acids and glyco-nutrients in order to remain healthy. Veterinary studies tell us that missing even one or two nutrients can make the difference between health and sickness. Scurvy is a disease caused by a deficiency of vitamin C. It is a deficiency of selenium that has been tied to increased risk of colon cancer. Don’t get enough calcium in your diet and you can expect weak bones. Skimp on the magnesium, excess calcium becomes toxic and you can’t relax your muscles. Fail to eat enough essential fatty acids and watch your bad cholesterol soar. Knowing that every deficiency disease can be prevented is one of the best kept secretes in America. Remember, you don’t catch deficiency diseases you develop them. The fact that you can develop them means you can prevent them. As for contagious diseases a strong immune system is your best protection. When the body is nourished with all the nutrients necessary for optimal health the immune system is usually in top condition as well. Keeping your immune system strong with proven natural substances is a good way to compensate for the toxic world we live in today.
2). Your body heals itself, not because of synthetic drugs but in spite of them.
The very drugs that are used to treat the symptoms of disease cause more harm than good. There are so many examples of this that books have been written about this specific problem. All drugs are toxic and in the right proportions will make you sick and can even kill you. Synthetic drugs are considered foreign to the human body and therefore cause reactions. It is estimated that there are over 160,000 unnecessary deaths each year and over 2 million injuries in the U.S. due to reactions to prescribed drugs. In addition it is considered to be the fourth largest cause of mortality and the number of prescriptions filled annually continues to rise. Right now the lawsuits against the makers of Vioxx are stacking up. Because of public outcry other drugs may be reviewed. Another example of how drugs cause more harm than good is the wide spread use of antacids to help control heartburn and acid reflux disease. These drugs block the acids necessary for digestion, which increases the likelihood of malnutrition. Remember, malnutrition is the only known cause of deficiency disease. Over time a slow digestive system will weaken your immune system setting the stage for contagious disease. Remember, your immune system is the only thing standing between you and contagious disease. Isn’t it interesting that by covering all the bases of proper nutrition strengthens the immune system, which protects you from contagious disease? The pharmaceutical industry keeps promising a breakthrough drug that will cure cancer, heart disease, diabetes, M.S. and so on if they just have enough time and money. No other industry has ever failed so miserably and yet continues to receive billions for research. One of the greatest goals ever reached was due to President Kennedy saying America would be the first nation to put a man on the moon. His goal was specific and yes it did cost billions to make it happen. He was able to set in motion the machinery that made that a reality. The pharmaceutical industry has two goals and they are also specific. The first goal is to look for new drugs that treat the symptoms of disease without finding a cure. The second and most important to them is to keep us believing they will eventually find the cures. They don’t tell us that these are their goals. They tell us their goal is to cure disease. Even the medical profession knows that your body does the healing and because you are organic, synthetic drugs cannot cure. Because these natural substances cannot be patented they refuse to research them. Provide your body with a sufficient supply of all nutrients and your body can in most cases heal itself in spite of the synthetic drugs.
3). Your doctor is not trained in the field of nutrition.
It is a fact that most doctors go to school for up to 12 years and invest hundreds of thousands of dollars in their education. It is also a fact that the pharmaceutical industry owns or controls 100 percent of the medical schools in the U.S. What may come as a surprise to you is that in 12 years of training the average medical doctor spends less than 8 hours in nutritional studies. Because the pharmaceutical industry controls the education of our medical practitioners they continue to make sure nutrition is not a part of it. It is a well known fact that the most pressing medical issues today are due to a lack of proper nutrition and to a lack of proper pH balance but the only way they can continue to make billions is to block or discredit the information that will make us healthy. One example is James E. Enstrom of the University of Southern California who followed thousands of people for over 15 years. At the end of his study he wrote a report that stated that the ones who took regular doses of vitamins and minerals cut the death rate in half. Even more astounding, Mr. Enstrom wrote, “Is the fact that those taking the vitamin and mineral supplements developed only 10% of the cancers and heart disease compared to those who didn’t supplement at all.” This is just one example of a reputable scientist, working for one of the most prestigious medical schools in America, doing a long-term study involving thousands of people, proving supplements prevent disease. And what did the FDA do with the study? They threw it in the garbage can. The simple fact is that they know supplementation will prevent and reverse disease but they are not willing to use the information because it will hurt their industry’s bottom line. In fact, at this moment, people in our government who serve at taxpayers expense, are trying to find ways to make it illegal for us to be able to take simple vitamins without a prescription. It’s all about money.
4). Many medical tests are unnecessary and are often used just to increase income for the doctors and hospitals.
Not so long ago, in the Readers Digest, it was reported that every time a doctor refers a patient for a cat scan he or she would receive a $400.00 referral fee from the specialist doing the test. Today more people are becoming agitated because one doctor’s visit can result in numerous visits to specialist who each have their own tests to run. Each doctors visit cost, each test cost, each diagnosis cost and of course time off from work to visit your doctor, cost. Additionally, more doctors today own a substantial percentage of the labs that their patients go to for the tests. They have developed an elaborate system that builds on itself. Each new tool cost more and each new drug becomes more expensive. Most of the new drugs are sent to the doctor with a list of expected side effects and what drugs should be used to treat those symptoms. As a result your insurance premiums go up and a greater burden is put on the public to pay for those on Medicare and Medicaid. The worst result is that these drugs that are used to treat the side effects of the first drug cause more side effects and a viscous cycle has begun. Another result is that medical cost are going up at a rate 15 percent faster than inflation and many economists are predicting health insurance premiums going higher than the average house payment by 2010. The only ones benefiting from this situation are the pharmaceutical industry, medical profession, labs and insurance companies. Today it is often the HMO who benefits over the doctor if the doctor does his duty and gives you the referrals and surgery he or she thinks is best. He is penalized by HMO’s for doing so.
5). Over 50 percent of all diagnoses made by the medical profession are dead wrong.
Unfortunately, dead wrong may be more accurate than we would like to think. Tens of thousands of stories surface every year about horrifying misdiagnoses resulting in tragedy and death. A breast removed just to find out that the diagnosis was wrong, unnecessary amputations, drug reactions and unnecessary surgeries are just a few of the stories. The numbers are staggering. This shouldn’t surprise us if we can use the past to predict the future. Millions of tonsils were removed unnecessarily. It wasn’t so long ago that appendicitis was the number one excuse to perform surgery. It is now estimated that up to 70 percent of all hysterectomies were unnecessary. Gall bladder removal is now one of the most prescribed unnecessary surgeries. When there is a mis diagnosis, in most cases, drugs are prescribed. That means the person diagnosed is taking an unnecessary drug that has many possible side effects. Could this be a major part of over 5 million drug reactions each year? How much money does this unnecessarily cost the American public? Now you have some idea of just how the system works. An authority in the pharmaceutical industry once made a statement that spoke volumes about the system we live under today. He was asked about possible all natural cures for disease and he laughed and said, “We can’t afford all-natural, inexpensive cures for disease in America. Think of the number of hospital rooms that would be empty, the doctors that would go out of business, the drug companies that would be hurt and the stockholders of these organizations that would lose money.” Remember, the truth will make you free but the lies that you believe will hold you in bondage. Take these facts and learn to operate accordingly. The last fact that I am going to leave you with is that the public has lost so much confidence in our sick care system that they refuse to spend any out of pocket money on it. If it weren’t for insurance and government assistance the system would have already gone broke. Supplement your diet, exercise regularly and develop an insatiable appetite for truth. Your friend in health,
Roy P. Williams, Cht.
" Prevention is better than Cure "
The streams that originate in the Wasatch Range and other nearby mountains all flow into The Great Salt Lake, bringing in water with varying percentages of dissolved minerals. Since the lake has no outlet, all of these minerals remain in the lake.
Why Choose CMD? <<10>>
Sickness begins either as a reaction to an invasion of bacteria, virus, or toxins; or as an imbalance due to either a lack of important nutrients, vitamins, or minerals; or an excess of harmful foreign substances like alcohol, or harmless nutrients like sugar. Undue strains in our body like unhealthy food, poor habits, harsh environment and mental stress create a need for detoxification. CMD has the capacity to remove uric acid, lactic acid, excess cholesterol, fat deposit, dead tissue and chemical accumulated toxins in the body. Toxins are discharged through the circulation system - (kidney and liver) by urination and stool; through perspiration, boils, rashes, phlegm and mucus.
Forty Drops (1/2 teaspoon) supplies the following 72 Minerals & Trace Minerals
Magnesium 250 mg 62%
Sulphate 55 mg †
Chloride 700 mg21%
Lithium 1.5 mg †
Potassium 10 mg 0%
Boron 1 mg †
Sodium 10 mg 0%
Plus the following in naturally occurring varying trace amounts:
Bromide, Carbonate, Calcium, Fluoride, Silicon, Nitrogen, Selenium, Phosphorus, Iodine, Chromium, Iron, Manganese, Titanium, Rubidium, Cobalt, Copper, Antimony, Arsenic, Molybdenum, Strontium, Zinc, Nickel, Tungsten, Germanium, Scandium, Vanadium, Tellurium, Barium, Tin, Lanthanum, Yttrium, Silver, Uranium, Gallium, Bismuth, Zirconium, Cerium, Cesium, Gold, Beryllium, Hafnium, Samarium, Terbium, Europium, Gadolinium, Dysprosium, Thorium, Holmium, Lutetium, Thulium, Erbium, Ytterbium, Neodymium, Praseodymium, Niobium, Tantalum, Thallium, Rhenium, Indium, Palladium and Platinum, plus the other elements found in Great Salt Lake water.
How to Use CMD?
Feel The Difference
This is the guiding philosophy behind the CMD. We don't heal the body.
Instead, we use nature's goodness to help the body to heal itself.
Health is developed through:
When we provide the body with foods that contain many toxins and few
All products are made from natural ingredients with such high standards
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